An “OMG, LIFE-CHANGING!” Course in Chaotic Confidence & Magical Self-Love


Own the Room, Embrace Your Power, and LOVE Every Second of It!

Take a moment and go on a little journey with me…

It’s just a few months from today, and you’re able to:

  • Introduce the world to your inner badass by standing up for yourself in the moment (NOT just in your imagination after the fact!)

  • Flaunt your unique self-expression confidence in the face of boring standards by looking, dressing, and acting how you want (without the urge to hide)

  • Let the haters choke on the sunbeams shooting out of your ass when you stop dimming your light and shrinking to avoid conflict (it’s a vibe lol)

Hi! I’m Mandi Em, Former Scaredy-Ass Self-Hating Insecure Phantom of a Person

[A Visual Representation of what a few years of confidence work looks like. Energy doesn't lie!! xoxo]

I’ve always been a bold and wacky weirdo, both in personality and style, but flying under the radar became my ultimate comfort zone: my motto back then?

‘If you can’t be seen, you can’t be judged!’

After years of self-betrayal and dimming my magic, I got so sick of my own BS that I cracked the code to tackle my own self-esteem woes and truly embody feral, magnetic energy. How?

By learning to stabilize personal energetics, adopting simple spiritual self-care practices, and re-examining the programming and rocky beliefs that were holding me back!

Since then, I’ve made a name for myself helping mouthy mystical misfits banish bullshit and invoke their inner power through my work that advocates spiritual self-care practices, unleashing authenticity, and adopting a life of radical self-acceptance.

But let me be crystal fucking clear…it wasn’t always like this for me!

There was a time when the entire concept of confidence felt completely out of reach for me.

I used to energetically shrink up when I was in situations that felt hostile or uncomfortable, and abandon my own needs and wants because I felt completely unworthy of even having them in the first place.

I used to wish I could show up to the world in a way that felt in alignment with how I felt on the inside, but anytime I’d give it a go, I’d become so anxious and uncomfortable that I wanted to crawl out of my own skin, nervous system aflame!

I felt like “becoming confident” was something that was just never gonna be a part of my experience, so I might as well fade into the background with only my own untapped potential and misery to keep me company… whomp whomp lol

“Becoming confident” felt as far-off as building a rocket-ship to Mars, because despite having a clear vision and concept of who I was on the inside……

I simply could not give myself permission to crawl out of the shame and unworthiness spiral

And I lacked the knowledge, support and role-modeling of how to become authentically unleashed in a way that felt like something my messy, neurodivergent, champion-at-masking arse actually DESERVED.

Fast forward to today?

I’m releasing my FOURTH published book

I’ve helped countless people connect to their magic and find self-acceptance through my offerings and guidance

And I’ve become the role model I so desperately needed when it came to believing it was possible to be both a hot mess AND authentic success.

What shifted?

I answer this and more in Delusional Sexy, and for the first-time ever- it’s available in a go-at-your-own pace format!

In this course, I pull back the curtain on everything that helped me transmute my own confidence wounds into bold, authentic, fearless energy!

In Delusionally Sexy, I share everything I’ve learned to help you connect to your own chaotic confidence and magical self love, without any flowery BS, through the power of mastering personal energetics, excavating unsupportive limiting beliefs and subconscious demons, shadow work, somatic practices, and more.

This course is designed to help you embody your most BOLD SELF today and always!


You’re ABSOLUTELY MAGNETIC in your energy and your authentic aura and everybody can feel it.

In just a few short months, engaging in self care and confidence practices to help stabilize your vibe when it get’s thrown off-kilter are as regular a part of your routine as your daily caffeine infusion and doom scrolling combo (LOL)

…and honestly?

Rather than getting sweaty palms and an IBS attack, you’ve begun to actually crave the activating jitters you get when being your loudest, BOLDEST self!

All that dimming-to-fit-in, biting your tongue, and second-guessing yourself you used to feel around freely expressing on the outside who you truly know you are on the inside?


Like…you remember it used to be a thing…

…but you can’t for the life of you access it because you’re hooked on something more deliciously thrilling!

It’s like an unconditionally loving unhinged cheer-squad installed itself inside your brain and drowned out all the critical voices

…and you just feel really unshakably GOOD, MAGNETIC, and ENTHUSIASTIC about yourself and who you’re becoming.

Picture it…

You’re walking into full rooms with your head held high and your energy- MAGNETIC!

You’re mastering the art of setting boundaries and advocating for yourself, even when you know it’s gonna make waves and it kinda feels… kinda hot (and dare I say- FUN?!)

You’re having the time of your life experimenting with new looks, new passions, and new ways of showing up for yourself.

You’re gazing into the mirror with compassion, love, and unconditionally supportive BFF energy xoxo

And perhaps most exciting?

You’re feeling energized, strong, and stable as fuck.

In a word- totally UNFUCKWITHABLE, Baby!

…and this newfound magnetic, stable energy?

It’s even better than you ever thought possible!



“Too good to be true” does not exist in my vocabulary (and it shouldn’t in yours either, boo)

Especially when it comes to confidence and authenticity… our sacred birthright!



DELUSIONALLY SEXY- An “OMG, LIFE-CHANGING!” Course in Chaotic Confidence & Magical Self-Love

The Delusionally Sexy Curriculum:

So…what exactly is included inside Delusionally Sexy?

This digital course experience includes...

—> The full six-module core Delusionally Sexy curriculum full of pre-recorded video content on:

  • Foundations of confidence

  • Unfcking Subconscious belief systems and co-creating reality

  • Basics of energetics and supportive body somatic practices

  • Fundamentals of manifesting, magnetism, and healing worthiness wounds

  • Essentials of Shadow Work and why this really REALLY matters

  • Crafting a care plan for beyond the program

  • And more!

This is truly the ULTIMATE confident content binge--move over Netflix ;)

The Investment for the self-guided course access is just $333*

*If you want to do this program as a 3 month container of 1:1 sessions with me directly, that is available here:

Delusionally Sexy [Self Paced]
One time

Are you ready to unleash Chaotic Confidence and Magical Self-Love? This is the self-paced version of my signature confidence energetics program Delusionally Sexy! This program consists of 6 modules of video content, prompts, and practices to help you unearth your most confident unleashed self! Consider its crash course on Becoming Unfuckwithable 101

✓ Almost 10 hours of energizing video content
✓ 6 modules covering magical foundations and practices
✓ Reflection prompts and questions for deprogramming
✓ My personal strategies for unleashing chaotic confidence!

This experience is for you if you want to:

  • Start showing up with confidence and completely unfuckwithable energy even if you feel like such a thing is about as possible as sprouting a set of wings and flying into outer space (lol)

  • Ditch the programmed beliefs about confidence being a cardinal sin, and step into unshakable self trust when it comes to self-expression and advocating for yourself

  • Learn actionable practices for stabilizing your energy when knocked off kilter, so you exude magnetic, confident energy regardless of what life throws at you

  • Reprogram belief systems that have got you fucked up, even though you never agreed to buy into ANY of those beliefs in the first place

  • Confidently and freely stop masking and start taking the ultimate path of least resistance- showing up as the messy, imperfect, little supernova that you are!

  • Become a boundary-setting queen and your own best advocate- having big Mama Bear energy for yourself, your peace, and your desires.

  • Get the fuck out of your own way and transcend that story you’ve been telling yourself about why you can't, freeing you up to becoming THAT B*TCH who’s magnetic energy and dazzling self-acceptance becomes an inspiring blueprint for others!


  • What is the format of Delusionally Sexy?
    This program is a fully self-paced digital course with lifetime access. There are many hours of prerecorded video content, prompts, and more

  • What type of person is this program best suited for?
    This program is for those who are truly looking to move past the BS and step into the radically unleashed version of themselves that’s been scratching at their awareness desperate to break free!

  • I’m very new when it comes to spiritual practices, will this be too advanced for me?

    All of my work uses simple instructions and practices so that those newer to mysticism will be jazzed to “make it their own” using their own intuition and inner guidance.

  • What is your teaching style?

    Look, I have raging ADHD and my “professional voice” is similar to the kind of communication you get from your bestie when she’s hit the bong and on a positivity high… I am not a cookie-cutter uptight “professional, I am chaotic and casual, and my priority is activating something in YOU rather than trying to impress with perfect graphics or pretentious mystical word salad.

  • Will I get 1-1 feedback/attention from (your name)?

  • No - this particular offer is a fully digital course. However, if you want to take this as a 1:1 stream with me, that option is available in my sessions listings :)

  • How much time will this program take?

  • Since this is a self-paced course, YMMV, but originally this course was designed to take place over the span of 12 weeks, with each of the 6 modules being tackled over the course of 2 weeks.

  • What is your refund policy?
    Given the nature of digital access, I do not offer refunds. Please read this sales page carefully as it is an accurate reflection of what is and is not included in this program.


DELUSIONALLY SEXY isn’t just a course… It’s an ACTIVATION SPELL!

Your energy + my energy while crafting the course…

All focused on one SPECIFIC intention:

To UNLEASH Chaotic Confidence and Magical Self-Love so you become fearless, magnetic, and completely unfuckwithable!

Take a moment to imagine walking into a room with your head held high, emitting bad b1tch vibes

Picture advocating for yourself and your needs… even if it causes a stir

Feel the sensation of peace and self-love that makes it so that you no longer try and live by anyone else’s rules but your own

This outcome is not a fantasy.

It’s a memory.

Of a future that’s inevitable if you desire and choose it.

Want to speed up this reality manifesting and snap it into your now?


Delusionally Sexy [Self Paced]
One time

Are you ready to unleash Chaotic Confidence and Magical Self-Love? This is the self-paced version of my signature confidence energetics program Delusionally Sexy! This program consists of 6 modules of video content, prompts, and practices to help you unearth your most confident unleashed self! Consider its crash course on Becoming Unfuckwithable 101

✓ Almost 10 hours of energizing video content
✓ 6 modules covering magical foundations and practices
✓ Reflection prompts and questions for deprogramming
✓ My personal strategies for unleashing chaotic confidence!